Friday, November 6, 2009

Best Read of 2010

If you are looking for a powerful book to read in 2010, keep reading on!! I have several copies of this book on my shelves and I carry it around with me to a lot of places with the intention of reading it. In the past, I would get a few chapters read, but then it would sit there for a few months before I picked it up again. But in 2009, that all changed. I received a new version of this book for Christmas and I have been reading little pieces of it very day and am almost finished. It has spoken to me in ways that I never knew it could. What book am I talking about? I am referring to The New Living Translation Chronological Bible! Yes, we all know that the Bible is the most powerful book ever printed, but if you are like me, you desire to read it and to understand it, but just never make a strong commitment to complete the entire Bible. Sometimes when I read a passage, I couldn’t understand what I just read and got discouraged. Here are reasons why I have succeeded with reading through the Bible this year.
1. The New Living Translation – this translation spoke with words that were easier to understand and helped bring out the message to me.
2. Chronological – the Bible is mapped out in the order of when it happened. This is so powerful when several books of the Bible have the same story and you read it several times over in a row and see how God spoke to the different authors and confirmed the happenings of the time.
3. Short and doable time segments – the daily reading is about 15 minutes so it is easy to fit into your day.
4. Connecting with other people at Wendy is involved with Proverbs 31 Ministries in North Carolina. Here is an excerpt from Wendy about her blog when she started this journey at the beginning of 2009.
“Monday-Friday I will do my best to post something on my blog to start the "conversation." All comments, thoughts, and insights are welcome. You don't have to have a blog to post a comment. You don't have to post a comment at all. No pressure here. Read each day, visit my site, and glean from others.”

Check out her blog and the testimonials regarding her “Read through the Word”. This was what I submitted regarding my journey!!

This journey of reading through the Bible this year has been an incredible experience. The Chronological set up and NLT have brought the Word to life. I believe I would not have made it this far in my reading if I would not have had Wendy’s blog to follow. Her insights and other reader comments have helped me interpret and understand the scriptures with such a deeper meaning than ever before. I am excited about reading the Bible through again next year and taking my relationship with Christ to an even deeper level!!

So I welcome you aboard this journey for 2010!! Put this book on the top of your Christmas wish list. Books are available at for $16.49 and at for $11.99.




Shondra said...

Congratulations on making it through! I have attempted many times, but never gotten very far.

I love the NLT Bible, and I also have the Chronological one...Maybe I will try again!

Anonymous said...

What words...