Monday, October 12, 2009

My precious Bryson

After I posted my precious entry, I was reminded that those of you who do not know me, do not know my story and don’t know what I am referring to when I talk about Bryson’s limitations. Let me give you a brief glimpse into Bryson’s journey!
Bryson was born January 29, 1998 and was diagnosed several days after birth of having suffered from a stroke. He had a blockage of his left carotid artery sometime between 3 -6 weeks before birth. This resulted in 76% of his left side of his brain, as one doctor stated so rudely, “dead and gone”. Bryson has a right side hemiplegia (weakness). He has limited use of his right hand, and his arm is a great helper. Bryson’s right leg is not as involved and with the help of braces started to walk at age 4. Bryson also has a speech impairment. He had intensive speech therapy for many years, and we worried about his ability to be able to speak in any understandable language at all. But those year of speech therapy paid off, we can’t get him to stop talking now. I call it the “Bryson dialect” once you know how he pronounces words you can understand him. He also has major learning disabilities. He suffered from seizures for the first years of his life and was very heavily medicated to combat them. Bryson has been seizure free and medicine free for about 5 years now and we stand firmly believing that God healed Bryson from Epilepsy. Bryson had another setback in 2008 when he was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. Why God, why Bryson? He has been through so much already, why something else? But through all of these challenges, my son has a desire for life, he doesn’t complain or cry, he just lives life to the fullest and is a friend to everyone he meets.
Over time, I hope to share in more detail our experiences of life with a special needs child!!


Roberta said...

I am so glad you are stepping out and starting this new venture. :) I have been blessed by your blog already. Keep 'em coming.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing Lisa! I'm excited to get a glimpse into your life! ;)
You seem to be a strong and caring woman! Kudos to you!