Friday, November 19, 2010

Run to HIM

Last night Bryson had been mean to Kaden and so Brad had a discussion with Bryson about the consequences that went along with what he did. As the dialogue went along Bryson made a very strong statement that he was just going to lock his door and do what he wanted. Brad reminded him of a bigger consequence that could come from a decision like that. Bryson very quickly said sorry for his statement and then said "I just wish I was in Heaven, I could be playing with Jalyn" (Jalyn was a 10 year old friend who died in a car accident this past April)

As I thought about Bryson's statement I wondered what he was really thinking. Did he see Heaven as this safe place where there is no discipline and you can just play all the time? My hope is that Bryson knows that Heaven is a safe place. But I wondered how I can teach him and show him that we can feel safe here on earth too!! This really got my mind churning. Do I truly believe I am safe here on earth? There are so many struggles each day, so many hard decisions and some times I just want to get off this wild roller coaster ride. This verse came to my mind - John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” How I desire to cling to that verse. I can feel safe here on earth if I receive the peace of my Heavenly Father, trust HIM, run to HIM and rest in His arms. He has overcome so that I can live in a safe place here and now.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Wilderness Walk

I had to delete this post because I was getting spam comments on it, so I am just reposting it.

I found this paper that I wrote back in April and thought I would share it!! It is humbling to read it after several months and realize how you are still struggling with the same areas. I know that life is a journey and my hope is that I can see growth in myself (even if it is slow) and know that I am moving in the right direction with my relationship with Jesus!!

While Brad and I were gone on vacation to the Dominican Republic in March, our youngest son, Kaden lost his glasses in the hay field behind our house while driving four wheeler. Why he even had them on with his helmet is questionable!! My mom and others had searched through the field with no avail before we came home, and I considered going out and looking when we first came back but just couldn’t get myself to go. Then on the Friday night shortly after our return as I was sitting at my computer on Facebook, I looked out the window and saw Brad, Ty and Kaden scouring the fields. I was prompted to go out!!

Did I find the glasses NO, but I had a spiritual experience. While on vacation I was reading a book called Pray Big. It talked about being specific about our prayers and that God cares for the little things that we do. The author gave the story about a gal who lost her room key to her motel while running and after going back over where she ran with no avail, someone asked her if she had prayed about it. She had responded with “no” she hadn’t even thought about it. So she paused and prayed and in a few minutes someone found them.

So as I ventured out, I had this story floating through my mind and I started praying for God to show me the glasses. I prayed and I prayed, I started crying and so many emotions started coming to my mind. If I pray harder then God will reveal it to me. If I just had more faith… and this started my conversation with God. Faith, believing, where did I stand with God? I believe that He can move mountains; I believe that He can heal. OR do I really??? Where is my faith? Is it conditional? How deep does my faith go? I battled with God. I felt Him tell me I just need to believe, I just need to trust. Trust, what is that? If you would ask me, do I trust God? I would tell you “yes”, but do I???? I caught myself telling God, if you help me find these glasses then I will totally serve you, but I caught myself, I can’t put God in a box, then I cried more, I just want to know God, I want to know what plans He has for me, what purpose He has. I cried out for guidance, telling Him that I believe He has a plan!! What is it Lord??

Shortly after I started, my 2 boys got side tracked by a dog chasing a rabbit and they ran off after the rabbit. I felt like God told me that is how I am in my Christian walk. Walking this road of faith is hard, slow and tedious work. It is sometimes not very rewarding, you can’t see what you are truly looking for and because of that we start running off and chasing “rabbits”, other things that look more exciting. Brad kept calling them back but they were too involved in the rabbit and the dog. I started crying harder, I didn’t want to run off and chase other things, I want to stay focused on God, but how many times I run off and chase other things, like food, laziness, shopping, human relationships.

I continued to walk and I continued to ask, “God can you show me these glasses?” He told me He could; He reminded me that He could have them show up anywhere because HE is God. So why didn’t HE? I wandered around the hayfield like the Israelites did. I wandered randomly around, and then I saw the sun setting. Follow the sun I thought, “Is that God talking?” I asked myself, so I followed the sun’s path, and asked “Jesus, you are God’s son, can you reveal to me the glasses?” I came to the end of the field and the sun set, no glasses. Now what God, am I suppose to find them?

Then I asked God for a monument, like the one that was built by the Jordan River. The Israelites built this after they crossed the river and God had parted the waters again to remind them of what God had done for them. I asked Him for my rock pile, Kaden’s glasses. So I could testify of how God worked in this search and revealed the glasses. NO glasses, NO monument. My toes were about frozen, I was emotionally exhausted from my conversation, do I give up? Does that mean I am giving up on God? No, I wasn’t giving up on Him.

So what did I learn on my wilderness walk? I’m really not sure, I’m struggling. I know I want to believe, I know I want to have a faith that can move mountains. But I struggle so much with doing versus resting. God teach me through this walk!! I want to follow You wherever you take me. I want to be surrendered and abandoned to your plan. Why did you have me take this walk through the field in search of Kaden’s glasses and I didn’t find them? I did feel you God; I know you walked with me!! But what do you want to show me?? I’m waiting to hear God!!! I wasn’t looking for glasses I was looking for my faith!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Controlling Young/Middle Aged Woman

Paraphrase to Mark 10: 17 - 22

17 As I started my morning with devotions, I sat down at my desk, opened my Bible, and prayed “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
18 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus asked. “Only God is truly good. 19 But to answer your question, you know the commandments: ‘You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely. You must not cheat anyone. Honor your father and mother.’
20 “Teacher,” I replied, “I’ve obeyed all these commandments since I was young.”
21 As He looked down from Heaven at me, I felt His genuine love for me. “There is still one thing you haven’t done,” He told me. “Let go of all your control issues, your selfishness, your fears, your idol of food and let me lead your life, and you will have treasures in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
22 At this my face fell, and I closed my Bible and cried, for I have such a hard time letting go of control and my own desires.

In the past as I read or heard the story of the rich young man, I always thought of it as material possessions and those kinds of things. And yes, that might be what Jesus was speaking about in this parable. But as we know parables are teaching moments and today this passage had nothing to do with things and stuff, but all to do with my behaviors, attitudes, issues and what holding me back from living my life to the fullest. Jesus’ desire is for us to follow Him, to let Him lead, to love on us. As it says in verse 29 – 31 “Yes,” Jesus replied, “and I assure you that everyone who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or property, for my sake and for the Good News, 30 will receive now in return a hundred times as many houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and property—along with persecution. And in the world to come that person will have eternal life. 31 But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then.”

Jesus has plans to give us eternal life, to make us great, to reward us with so many blessings, they can’t be measured. That is what is on God’s heart. He is asking us one simple thing “come, follow me.” Give up all the strongholds of fear and failure and trust HIM, put all my faith in Him, as it says in Luke 17:6 “If you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘May you be uprooted and thrown into the sea,’ and it would obey you!

God is not asking that I have to have faith that is all mighty, He just wants my simple small mustard seed size faith, He just wants me to let go of control and self and rest in HIM, claim HIM and FOLLOW HIM and watch and see what marvelous things HE will do.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Promise of Restoration

It has been a busy, good & challenging summer. Many changes have taken place in the last few months in my life, some that I know are truly divine and others I continue to search as to their purposes and meanings. Amidst all these changes I have not taken the time to write, and how I have missed it. I have a deep yearning within me to express myself through words and sharing with others the encouragements I receive from my Heavenly Father. I have allowed busyness to crowd out things in my life that are so important. I confess my time with the Lord has fallen short too. So why am I shocked when I become frustrated, stressed, worried, controlling? I know that my life has to be ALL about God and the only way I can make it my ALL is to take time for my relationship with HIM. He is always there waiting when I come to HIM, but how He desires my full attention.

Lord, I confess I have been trying to do things on my own again. I am so sorry. Lord I need your Holy Spirit to lead and to guide, not my selfish feelings. Father, fill me with your wisdom and the peace that only YOU can give.

This morning I spent time in the Word catching up for the days I have missed from the daily reading plan. The reading plan has me in the book of Ezekiel. Man, have you read that book? It is really depressing. Since I have been really struggling, I am thinking to myself, how I am supposed to find peace and joy and hope in all of this. But God had it all figured out. Since I am reading from a chronological Bible He placed in my reading several passages from Jeremiah and this is what HE had for me today.

Jeremiah 32: 38-41 And I will give them one heart and one purpose: to worship me forever, for their own good and for the good of all their descendants. And I will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never stop doing good for them. I will put a desire in their hearts to worship me, and they will never leave me. I will find joy doing good for them and will faithfully and wholeheartedly replant them in this land.

As I sat outside, and I highlighted this passage and then read it over again, I put my name in this passage and the tears fell.

I will give Lisa one heart and one purpose, to worship me forever, for her own good and for the good of all her family. And I will make an everlasting covenant with Lisa; I will never stop doing good for her. I will put a desire in her heart to worship me, and she will never leave me. I will find joy doing good for Lisa and will faithfully and wholeheartedly replant her in the place I have for her.

What a promise of restoration that I so needed. Yes, I have tried to do things my way, yes, I have let my feelings lead instead of my faith. I have felt like my dream is lost, but HE will restore what was lost and will replant me where HE wants me!!

Even though the book of Ezekiel is so depressing, it just doesn’t end with destruction and death. God offers hope. As I read also this morning, Jeremiah 33: 6-9 “Nevertheless, the time will come when I will heal Jerusalem’s wounds and give it prosperity and true peace. I will restore the fortunes of Judah and Israel and rebuild their towns. I will cleanse them of their sins against me and forgive all their sins of rebellion. Then this city will bring me joy, glory, and honor before all the nations of the earth! The people of the world will see all the good I do for my people, and they will tremble with awe at the peace and prosperity I provide for them.

Thank you God for your hope, peace and restoration.

My friend sent me this verse as an encouragement this morning and I will cling to it too!!

Psalm 21:11-13 Though my enemy plots evil against me and devises wicked schemes, he will not succeed if I am walking with You, O God. You will make him turn his back when you aim at him with drawn bow. Be exalted, O Lord, in your strength. I will sing and praise your might.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I don't want to be a loser

Last week there was an exciting football game being played in our front yard. All of my boys, the neighbor boys and several dads were participating in this fun Sunday afternoon game. I was inside working at my computer when I heard this loud scream and I thought for sure that someone was very hurt. I went running for the door to find Bryson coming into the garage, screaming and crying. He was mad. Brad followed him in and had Bryson go to our bedroom. Brad explained that Bryson was mad because his team had lost the game.

One area that Bryson struggles in sometimes is getting mad when things do not go his way and he can become loud, crying and somewhat violent at times. This was one of those times. Brad really debated on how to handle this situation and finally went into the bedroom to talk to Bryson. Brad explained that in sports, there is always a team that loses. He used the illustration of how Peyton Manning responded after he lost the Super Bowl. Brad continued talking about good sportsmanship and how no one likes to lose but it is how we handle ourselves that is important. Bryson stopped crying and said “but dad I don’t want to be a loser (and did the L loser sign on his forehead), I want to be a winner.” Brad said he had to contain his laugh, but it also hit hard.

It tugged at my mother heart string when Brad first told me this story. Did Bryson know he is different? Does he think he is a loser in life? The more I have thought about it the more I am sure it is a message we can all learn from. We all want to be winners, and the world’s standards of a winner are based on how smart we are, on our performance, how we look, how much money we have and the list goes on. Most times when we take a survey of ourselves by these standards we end up short and feel like a loser. But what is the truth, what is the truth of God’s Word? Psalm 139:13-16 states: “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Also if we look at Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

What beautiful words; God created us, knitted us together, He made us wonderful, He has great plans for our future to prosper us and not to harm. Those are not words spoken to a loser, those are words spoken to a winner. We need to hang on to these words when we look at ourselves, not at the world’s standards. None of us want to be losers and none of us are, we are all winners in God’s eyes and that is the message we have to continually tell ourselves and our children. God loves us and with God on our team we will win every time!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

It has been a long time....

Wow how fast a month can fly by. I continue to struggle with knowing what God has for me and what HE desires me to do with my life. I believe He has great plans but this desert walk in the wilderness as I wait on my Promise Land seems so long. I don't want to complain and I don't want to miss the blessings of the moment. This morning on the way to church I heard this song for the 1st time and it spoke to me. I truly want to find HIM again as if it was for the 1st time!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Be Careful What You Ask For!

Numbers 11: 18-20 “And say to the people, ‘Purify yourselves, for tomorrow you will have meat to eat. You were whining, and the LORD heard you when you cried, “Oh, for some meat! We were better off in Egypt!” Now the LORD will give you meat, and you will have to eat it. And it won’t be for just a day or two, or for five or ten or even twenty. You will eat it for a whole month until you gag and are sick of it. For you have rejected the LORD, who is here among you, and you have whined to him, saying, “Why did we ever leave Egypt?”

God, this burden is too heavy, you don’t understand. Why did you give me these hardships? How did you think that I could handle this? How am I to take care of all these responsibilities? Where am I supposed to get my help to do all this? I can’t DO it by myself!!! The load is far too heavy!! If this is what you intended my life to be, why am I even here??

Does any of that sound familiar to you? Have any of you every said these things to God? I confess, I have said these words too many times, I have whined and felt sorry for myself and grumbled and complained!!! God revealed through Numbers 11, that I am not alone. The words above are a very close translation from Moses words in Numbers 11:12-15. Moses was in charge of the people of Israel and they started complaining that they were sick and tired of Manna and wanted MEAT. They craved it and remembered all the “good” meat and spices that were free in Egypt. Moses was tired of this and didn’t know what to tell the Israelites and how to handle the situation, so he pleaded to God “Why are you treating me, your servant, so harshly? Have mercy on me! What did I do to deserve the burden of all these people?”

God responded to Moses by gathering 70 men who were recognized as elders and leaders in Israel and God put some of His spirit on them so that Moses would not have to carry it alone!! What a gracious and loving God. He heard Moses plea and He responded with others to help!!

So Moses got the help he was looking for, but God was not happy about the whining and complaining of the children of Israel. They wanted meat, so God gave them meat and as it says in Numbers 11:20 “You will eat it for a whole month until you gag and are sick of it”! I almost want to laugh at them, but I have to restrain myself because it really hits so close to home.

How many times have I grumbled and complained about my circumstances and left God’s care and provision power out of the equation. Only to find out the thing I so wanted when it came did not provide what I thought it would. We look so often to our physical comforts and desires that we forget to look at the bigger picture, at the blessings that we have. We obsess with the “meat” and forget about the Red Sea experiences that have preceded us and how God provided!!! Wendy Pope, speaker and writer from Proverbs 31 wrote in her daily blog Experiencing the Real Meaning of Free, “Be Careful What You Say When You Wail-you might just die in your wilderness. Scary thought.”

God is here and He hears us, He will even bring people around us to help us carry the load!!! We are so not alone!! God is capable to carry the burden for us!! I believe God wants us to come to Him when we are empty and burdened and to surrender everything to Him!! We shouldn’t wait so long to ask for help!! God is our provider!!

Today, I ask you to consider two things; first what “meat” are you asking for today? Think about why you want this “meat” and what is the reason behind it? Is it a selfish “meat”? Have you forgotten the blessings that have been given to you and are only focused on the “meat”!! I challenge you to start thinking about the Manna that God has provided for us and not so much on the “meat" we do not have!!

Second, I give you permission to ask the Lord and your friends for help when the burden seems so heavy to carry. I am discovering this personally as I have started this journey of letting GOD and others help me!! It is such a humble experience!! In Numbers 12:3 it says “Now Moses was very humble.” The definition of humble is “not proud or arrogant; modest”. In Numbers 12: 6-8 the Lord is speaking to Aaron and Miriam He says “But not with my servant Moses. Of all my house, he is the one I trust. I speak to him face to face, clearly, and not in riddles!! He sees the Lord as he is.” What a challenge!! I want to be humble and I want to see the Lord as HE is!! He is all powerful, my provider, my help in trouble!! I CANNOT do it by myself, and God never intended for us to even try to journey through this life alone!! He died on the cross for us; He took our burdens upon the cross!! He has empowered people on earth with different gifting to provide in tangible ways here on earth!! God’s strength is always available!! Cling to HIM and He will provide all you need for today!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Get Back UP

Toby Mac's new CD has really impacted me this week!! The songs "Hey Devil" and this one "Get Back UP" that is what my desire is to get back up again and shine!!

My 3rd Speech with Speechcraft

This speech was fun to give and I loved how it reminded myself of the priceless memories we made this past year!! God is an Awesome God!!

Priceless Memories

Many of you know the commercial on TV for MasterCard, where it shows or mentions events or objects with a dollar value placed on it. Then at the end of the commercial it has something that is priceless. Well I want to share with you about some of the priceless memories our family made on summer vacation last year. My facebook status on July 13 was this:
Days gone = 24; Miles driven = 6,289; pounds gained = ??XX)#(%(%; money spent = don't want to know; Memories made = PRICELESS

Our vacation started out without my husband Brad, because of the responsibilities at work he could not be gone for 24 days. My mother left with my 3 boys and I and we drove to Arborg, Manitoba to Grandpa and Grandma Plett’s house. What a blessing for my mother to accompany me on this 1100 mile drive. She was there for 5 days and then flew home. We spent the first 10 days partying with G&G, Aunts, Uncles, cousins and friends. Brad then flew into Winnipeg and then the second ½ of our vacation started. We headed WEST. Brad has 2 single sisters living in Red Deer, Alberta so we arrived there. We made many priceless memories but I want to just highlight a few from our time in the West.

First were our Geocaching adventures. Brad’s new found hobby of geocaching fast became a family favorite as we found 22 during our travels. 4 in Manitoba, 1 in Saskatchewan, 9 in Alberta, 3 B.C. 1 in Wyoming, 3 Montana and 1 in Utah – we drove 150 feet into Utah to get this cache just to say we were in Utah and could cross off this state for a find. The most memorable geocache adventure took place in Radium Hot Springs, B.C. we were there just for one night before we were heading back the U.S. and were going to have to say goodbye to the boy’s favorite aunties. Brad’s GPS showed a cache its name “slippery Slope” close to our motel. We arrived at a campground and the GPS took us on a hike to Sinclair falls. What made this memorable is the hike to see this amazing hidden falls, what a beautiful reward after climbing up muddy trails and down slippery slopes all with mosquitoes buzzing all around you. It also was memorable because Bryson hiked the entire way. Because of his disabilities he does not normally go on the rough terrain geocache hunts, but he did this one, it was hard but he did it!! And yes, finding the cache that was cool too.

A second highlight was being flexible and having fun. I am a perfectionist and slightly a control freak so I like to have things planned out and structured, but not on this trip and how much fun we had. On one of our day excursions from Red Deer to Drumheller to see the Royal Tyrrell Museum, Canada’s Dinosaur Museum we saw a sign beside the road that said World Famous Gopher Hole Museum 2 miles. We decided to see what this was all about!! It is located in Torrington, Alberta and what fun. The museum, a little white building not much bigger than this room, and a sweet little old lady greeted us. It consisted of a room with shadow box displays of real stuffed Gophers depicting different scenes of life from Torrington. Favorites were the camping box, fireman, hunting season, the Torrington Hockey arena, the Torrington bank, this box was showing a bank robbery in progress. We got many laughs during our stop and I would suggest if you are ever driving through the rolling hills of Alberta and are close to Torrington, it is worth the stop!!

A 3rd highlight was the mountains. Each time I have been privileged to see the Canadian Rockies I am in absolute awe at the awesomeness of God!! As you have been watching the Olympics these last several weeks, have you not been amazed at the scenic views. It is breathtaking and I always gravel with the thoughts of how you cannot believe in the power of our creator God and his handiwork.

When we arrived home we were exhausted and glad to be home. But my fun didn’t quite end. I am an avid scrapbooker and just recently have changed from traditional scrapbooking to digital so the next weekend I got to relive all the memories as I sorted through the over 1500 pictures that Brad and I took and made 2 scrapbooks from our trip. I have them here today and would love to show them to you and share more of the priceless memories we made on our summer vacation.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My 2nd speech with Speechcraft

Today I was able to finally give my 2nd speech at Speechcraft. Two weeks ago I was too emotional to present it and last week was canceled due to the weather, and even though today was emotional, I felt that one way to accept my role as a Special Needs mom was to share this speech that I wrote 3 weeks ago. I did not say this word for word but it works better for me to write it all out and then condense it down to notes. I thought I would share it with you!!

No Child Left Behind

In today’s society, there is extreme value placed on education and learning. Millions of dollars are spend each year and many programs are in place, all with the goal of “NO Child left behind”. Parents drive their children to learn and succeed, parents are encouraged to start College funds for their children with they are yet babies. This is all fine and well, but what I want you to think about today is what happens when your child doesn’t fit the mold of the “normal” student.

When a parent learns of their child’s diagnosis and disabilities, many are completely overwhelmed, their world has been shaken, and dreams have been shattered. They struggle with feelings of anger, guilt, denial and fear of the unknown. For many, their days are involved with doctors, therapists, hospitals, and learning constantly how to care for their child. And before you know it their child is ready for school and a whole new array of decisions surface. Where does my child fit?

As my child Bryson approached this stage, I was exhausted from the extra stress involved with caring for him, and I trusted and believed that the educators knew what was best and I went along with their recommendations for him. But I learned the hard way, the educational system is tailored to the “normal”, to convenience and this might sound harsh, but to the hope that parents shut up and just don’t push the system. Now, my child was not mistreated and he learned during these first years, but he was not treated as an individual and his uniqueness wasn’t addressed as to what his potential might be.

We started Bryson’s education in the contained Functional skills classroom. After several years, school became a frustration, he did not enjoy it. His classroom was more chaos then learning. There were such a large range of disabilities present in the classroom and even though he had an individual plan in place it wasn’t being followed and there wasn’t enough staff to give him the one on one attention he needed. I learned that I had to be my child’s advocate, I had to arm myself with information, I had to learn what the laws say and I had to start fighting for my child.

This decision took my husband Brad and I on a difficult journey as we researched the options that were available for Bryson. The nights of tears when you feel the resistance of an administrator that doesn’t welcome your child into their school because he doesn’t fit that “normal” standard and might hurt their 4 Star school status. This is where I appeal to your heart; it is time to make this already difficult road being traveled by parents of special needs children easier!! The NO Child left behind act of 2001 has helped in some areas but it has also complicated issues too, which I won’t even start here.

After many meetings and sticking to our guns, we agreed to have him repeat 3rd grade and placed him in a normal classroom under the inclusion model. Inclusion is when the child is fully included in all regular classes for the entire school day, generally with an aide or special education teacher providing the help and resources the child needs to function well. The last several years have been full of many trials, difficulties and conflicts and with special education teachers and administrators as we worked at getting the best programs, helps and goals in place. All these tough decisions and rough roads have been worth every minute, my son has blossomed and is a happy and socially balanced child. He has gained confidence by trying to “do” the same things as his fellow classmates, participating in the classroom projects and discussions. Bryson has been blessed with an incredible “Para” helper who truly cares about him. His classmates have accepted him for who he is and not for whom he is NOT.

As we continue to put our high standard on our educational system, I ask that we also consider the families out there who have had to learn to dream new dreams for their child, who are tired from all the pressures that special needs children bring and to open your hearts and minds to a new way of thinking about how we accept these children in our schools and in our communities. I would like to close with a quote that I found early in my information gathering process that freed me to dream a new dream for my child. From the Parents Review, written by E. Downes, MD November, 1897.
If we cannot teach the sciences; we can, at any rate, employee the dim twilight of the slow developing mind in pressing home the value of truth , honesty, and purity; let us tell of the love of God, the salvation of Christ, and the guidance and comfort of the Holy Spirit. Let us do this conscientiously, and await the dawn of the mind sun; when the sun rises, it may be more beautiful, more lovely than we ever could have imagined. Our toil will be a thousand times repaid, not perhaps by the successful result of a competitive examination, but by the useful, loving and healthy life.

My Earthquake

I am just out of the shower and I feel like God talks to me when I am in there and He has given me a great word picture for me today. The last several weeks as I have struggled each day to find joy in the midst of pain, I have asked God “what am I suppose to do with it?” I have realized that I need to really get down to who I am so I can truly know God’s plan for me.

My blog description of who I am goes like this: am the wife to a wonderful man, Brad and the mother of three incredible young men; Bryson age 11, Tyrell age 9 and Kaden age 6. My heart is passionate about my God, my family, my church and my community. I am kept busy with my involvements in these areas. God has brought me on an awesome journey so far in my life and I can't wait to see what He has in store!!!

So what does that really mean? It is nothing unique, just an ordinary description of me, but who am I??? Yesterday I listened to one of Beth Moore’s studies from the Esther series and one point that she said is that so often we want to disconnect something about ourselves or our past and erase it, but that is really what God wants us to move in and might just be the link to His plan!! OK, so who am I? The truth I just received in the shower is “I’m a mother of a special needs child!” I have said it, but I have pushed it under, I have tried to see life as normal. I have compared my trials to those around me and told myself “be strong, this is nothing compared to what they are going through.” Yesterday, when someone told me “be grateful for what you have, you could be in Haiti” I again told myself, yes, butt it up, it could be worse, God is here He will provide.

But NOOOOOOO…… to me this all seems like an earthquake.

I have been living on a fault line, I am living on ground that is full of sin, I am living on ground that is unstable. The grounds shook 12 years ago when my firstborn son was born and I found out that he had suffered a stroke. I had to realize that my dreams for him would probably have to change. Through the past several years I have suffered aftermath tremors from the horrors of seizure medication and doctor’s visits, and therapies and battles with the school system.
Another earthquake hit in 2008 when the words Type 1 diabetes shook my heart to the core. I had to learn in 5 hours of training how to poke my son’s finger, how to give him insulin shots 4 times a day, how to count all of his food intake. The tremors of fear of what if I mess up: “I could kill my son” or “will I find him in a coma in the morning? And then this past week, another earthquake hit, Bryson’s seizures have returned after 6 years of being seizure and medication free. And this time, the impact has hit hard, I feel like the walls are collapsing on me, I feel like everything is crashing in, I feel trapped. I know in my head that my Jesus is the steel that keeps my columns from crushing me, I know in my head that HE will pull me through, I know in my head that HE has incredible plans for me and will work all of this out!! But as we all know cleaning up from an earthquake is a long process, it doesn’t just happen overnight!! So I am slowing starting to dig, dig myself out of these suffocating feelings. I am reading God’s word, listening to others who speak God’s heart, I am reading the promises He has for me, but the task seems long and unmanageable. I am tired, I am exhausted!!

I have to stop comparing my life to others because we each have our own earthquakes in our lives. God will provide for ME what I need, and He will provide for others what they need.

Lisa, stop comparing the road I have you on with other people’s roads, I give each one of you a unique journey to travel, and with each earthquake, I will provide, I will help you dig, I AM the strong steel that will not let it crush you and bury you!! I am here to give you life and give it to you abundantly!! I am here to hold your hand and to carry the shovel when you are tired!! You are MY child, I love you, just let go!! Yes, I have given you a special needs child for a reason, I know you were the perfect mother for Bryson. And because I gave him to you, I will help you, stop worrying, let go of the control, let go of the fears, march ahead with ME. Yes, I have big plans for you that go beyond the realm of a special needs child, but I plan to use that platform, I plan on using moments like this to have you reach others who are crushed and buried with their own earthquakes. Lisa, arise up out of the rubble and run to me, I will bandage the wounds, I will ease the pain!! Stop looking at this road as too long and dirty!! I am there with you to help you pave it into a smooth and joyful road!! Come my child, come and rest in ME!!! Love God

I think I need to rewrite my blog description of me!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Full speed ahead

Wow, I just read again my post “The Road I don’t want to travel” and realized how that seems so long again. Some of you are friends on Facebook and know that I am ON “the road I don’t want to travel” and it has been a dirty and muddy first lap. I am amazed at what I wrote in that post and how true it really was. This past week has been absolutely horrible. Monday, the 8th when we got the results that he is having spikes and spike waves from his EEG and was told he will be starting on Keppra, I just crashed. I cried and wept for myself and for Bryson. As I have been learning from the bible study “Becoming More” by Lysa Terkeurst, not to ask the “why” questions, but instead ask “what am I suppose to do with it?” That is what I have been trying to do, it is hard, but it does give some comfort. As I have reflected back to all the other roads I have traveled in my past, I can look back and find purpose and understand God’s plan but it has taken time. When I called Brad to tell him about the phone call from the doctor on the 8th, he asked me this question “so what is different about this then everything we have been through before?” I answered him with “it isn’t different; I am just so exhausted from everything I can’t seem to cope with one more thing.”

I have let myself totally go numb this past week, I did not read anything (including my bible), I did not write, did not clean my house, I watched more TV than I usually do and just closed myself off as my heart hurt. On Saturday, I realized in my heart that I was tired of Bryson, oh how that hurts to say!! I love my son with all of my being and will do anything for him, but the responsibility of taking care of his needs just seemed too much to handle. But proclaiming the truth of that has helped me deal with my feelings and I am working my way through them.

So here I am today, I woke up with a better attitude and a desire to accomplish something!! I started the laundry, cleaned up the kitchen, made beds, straightened up the upstairs and was ready to exercise when I got a call from Bryson’s school that he wasn’t feeling good!! I just got mad!!! I wanted a day to myself, I wanted 8 hours free from him, and I was excited about spending time with my Bible today. But I went and picked up him and came home, and asked God “why” and “Now what?” God is faithful and He has still provided me time to read the Word today, and He has given me a desire to write today. I am realizing how therapeutic writing is to me. As I express my thoughts on paper and then go back and read what I wrote I am able to process better. So I am choosing that today is still a better day and I will get back to the source for which my strength comes, Christ and HIM alone!!

God, forgive me for blocking you out of my life, I felt You and I felt the prayers of my friends, but I just wanted to wallow in my feelings! Life hurts right now God, I am exhausted and tired, but my desire is to see you and to let you lead. God I know it won’t be easy and God I want to rest in you!! Father, thank you for your promise, that when I am weak YOU are strong!!

Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe. I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings. (Psalm 61:1-4)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Speech about me!!

My husband Brad and I joined a Speechcraft class through Toastmasters International last week!! This might appear as shocking to some of you who know us well, in some ways it shocks us that we are attending. We both decided we were going to do something a little bit risky and out of our comfort zone. Speechcraft is about improving oral communication, leadership skills and in turn fosters self-confidence and personal growth. This past Tuesday, I was to give my first 2-3 minute ice breaker speech about myself. The class was originally told we were to give a 4-6 minute speech and that is what I initially wrote out. I had to edit my speech down a lot when I delivered it and presented it in 3 minutes and 5 seconds. I thought since I wrote out this complete speech and didn't get to deliver it all, I would share it with you.

A Life on Purpose
We are all here on earth for a purpose and as we journey through this life our desire is to discover that purpose. Born and raised in Goshen within a loving Christian family unit, I knew that I was loved. But as I entered the world in Kindergarten, life hit me with the truth of our humanness. The words “you are fat” spoken to me without knowledge of the depth it would settle in my heart. These words started defining my life patterns. I grew up with a desire to fit in, to be included, to be chosen but as my self confidence waned, I discovered that I had academic ability. So I dove in completely to my school work, I applied my perfection personality and never looked back. I obsessed, worried and believed that if I get all “A’s” it would give me the sense of purpose I was seeking.
I excelled all through school and during this time I continued to battle with my weight. Tugging at my heart strings were the thoughts that if I was skinny I would fit in better with everyone. In my schoolwork it was evident of how my fears were playing out. I never pushed myself to take classes that possibility might jeopardize my perfect scores, I participated and excelled in all the business courses. So as my senior year arrived, I was awarded the honor of salutatorian of the Fairfield High school class of 1990.
My father owned Miller Brothers Builders and Miller’s Building Supply in Goshen and with my business skills; I knew that is where I would spend my working years until I became a mother so college wasn’t necessary. Life was playing out as planned. I spend a year at Bible School in Ohio where through a dear friend, I met my Canadian husband, Brad and after 3 years of courtship we were married in 1994. I worked at Miller Brothers as business manager. The fears, lack of self confidence and weight issues continued to plaque me during all these years and even though life on the surface looked good, I struggled internally to know my purpose and the plans God had for me.
Life took an abrupt turn on September 20, 1996 when I received a call from my mom, her and dad were on vacation in Branson, Missouri to say that “dad just went code blue and she would call me back” He passed away of a massive heart attack shortly after the call. Now what? My business abilities kicked in and I along with my only sibling, my brother Nate and Brad we took over Miller Brothers and Miller’s Building Supply, God granted us knowledge and wisdom to operate the business.
I was blessed to become a mother in January of 1998, a wonderful, adorable boy, Bryson. When Bryson was 2 days old, life again took another abrupt turn. A nurse entered our room in the early morning hours to let us know that she had observed some strange activity during the night that could resemble a seizure and they wanted to run a battery of tests. What seemed like hours, a doctor arrived to tell us there was evidence from the CT scan of some brain abnormalities and Goshen Hospital wasn’t equipped to handle this and was calling Riley Hospital to send an ambulance. The fears of the unknown, was Bryson going to die? Bryson was born by C-section and so I was recovering from surgery. We called our friends and family to pray. I recall being wheeled down to the nursery and held my son before he left. Not knowing if I would see him alive again or what all was in store. The doctors were kind and released me to accompany my son down to Riley. After several days at Riley, Bryson was diagnosed as having suffered a stroke before birth.
The next several years were involved intensely with Bryson’s physical and medical issues involving physical, speech, occupational therapies, doctor appointments, EEG’s and lots of seizure medication. My purpose of life now was to give my son the best life possible. I struggled turning this time to understand the “whys”, why my son, why me? It really didn’t seem fair, I didn’t sign up for this. As I processed through these emotions, I was put on the bottom of the priority list and my weight increased. It took me several years before I was able to accept this part of God’s plan for my life and with this healing, I got an increase in my self confidence. I realized that I was an advocate for my son and I had to stand up and fight for him.
IN 2000, we welcomed Tyrell into our family and he brought another piece of joy to our home. As I adapted to 2 children and the intensity of Bryson’s needs, I was diagnosed with depression. This opened my eyes to some of my emotions and fears, and I was able to work through some of these thoughts and feelings. And then in 2003 we welcomed our youngest son Kaden. So with my quiver full of 3 boys, my oldest son with special needs and my self confidence increasing, I was still plagued with fears and my weight. I was just surviving on this journey called life.
Finally in 2007 I decided I was done just surviving and I wanted to discover what God had for me. I cleared my calendar of all extra activities and made it the Year of Lisa. I started reading and digging deeper into who I am. I discovered that the first thing I had to address was my weight issue. IN 2008, I lost 40 pounds and gained another level of confidence by feeling good physically because of exercise and healthy eating habits. But I still needed to unearth the other issues that were buried deep that were not letting me fully live out the plans for me. I hired a life coach and have spend the last several years seeking to understand who I am, starting to read the Bible in a new way and other books that clarify what my being here is all about. I am still on this journey but I have grown so much in understanding my purpose and as Jeremiah 29:11 says: For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
I cling to the motto that is on the wall in my living room “The purpose of life is a life of purpose”. And I wait with anticipation for the next adventure God has in store for me.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Road I don’t want to Travel

God has given each one of us different roads and paths to travel during our time here on earth. Some are straight and smooth and others are full of curves and potholes. My life has included some of each. Right now I am afraid that God is leading me on a road with curves and potholes and I don’t want to go. It is not that I have never traveled this road before; it is because I have traveled this road many years ago and the potholes were very big and deep and caused pain with each bump.
Over the last several months Bryson has had some unusual episodes at school and on December 27th, Brad and I experienced 3 episodes with him while celebrating Christmas in Canada. The road I am afraid of is SEIZURES. I have struggled the last several weeks thinking about the possibility. I can’t even see the road ahead and I really haven’t even started walking down this road yet, but the possibility of it keeps taking me back; back to that road, back to the place where I lived in such fear, hopelessness, and sadness. Bryson had a seizure when he was 2 days old that started our journey. He started on a low dose of seizure medication. At 10 months old, we asked for an EEG in hopes that he could get off his medication. But that is when the road curved sharply and the bumps started coming. For the next several years, we had a neurologist who believed he could HEAL Bryson of Epilepsy and Bryson was over medicated, lethargic, and didn't seem to be improving. As parents you want to do everything you can for your child and you believe that doctors know what is best. Finally, we reached the end of our rope and went for a second opinion to Cleveland Clinic. Here is where we started seeing hope and a future outside of seizures and medication and as I stated in an earlier post, Bryson has been drug and seizure free for over 5 years.
What else did I write in that same post – “and we stand firmly believing that God healed Bryson from Epilepsy “What does that mean for this road I might be approaching? I believe God, I don’t want to question him; I don’t want to doubt his healing hand? NO I don’t want to travel this road, but I know that God has a plan, and maybe the purpose is for me to deal with that road that I traveled many years ago, deal with the anger I have toward that doctor. God wants me to travel again down those roads and repave them; repave them with His love; His care; His understanding, repave with forgiveness.
In my daily reading from the chronological Bible today, Genesis 18:1- 21:7, I was challenged with the way that Abraham questioned and pleaded with the Lord over saving Sodom if he found righteous people. He asked again and again. I also pondered on the question in Genesis 18:14 “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” Nothing is too hard for Him, He will be with me as I travel these roads laid out ahead of me, He is ok when I question him over and over to try and help me understand. He loves me!!
So I finally picked up the phone today and called the neurologist about what the next step should be. As I start down this road, I desire to seek God in every curve and in every bump. I desire to seek His face and ask Him questions. And as I walk step by step, I will continue to believe that nothing is too hard for my Lord and that HE can make this road smooth and straight!! God knows what He is doing and I just need to walk with my hand held firmly in His!!